Tuesday, September 30, 2014

France - A Lesson in Revival


    Our time in France went by quicker than any of our other stops so far. But even though the time felt so short, it was also so full. Each moment of rest and refreshment was also filled with revival and revelation. We stayed at a beautiful chateau in the small village of St. Hippolyte du Fort, which is located in the South of France, close to Montpellier.  This chateau acts as another YWAM base, Ponts de Vie, or Bridges of Life. While we only got a taste of all this base has to offer, it quickly became very clear that there are a ton of amazing ministry opportunities already running and being developed here! If you want to find out more about how this base is blessing the community, check our their page: http://www.ywambridges.com
      We arrived at Ponts de Vie right after a new DTS had just started. Along with teachings and a bit of ministry time, we were able to help with projects around the base and spend time pouring into the new students. By the end of our stay in France, we were all so excited for our next steps in outreach, in ministry, and just in life. Our dreams, our desires, and our relationships with others and with God had all been revived, filled with new life. We were no longer weary, but alert, knowing that the revival seen in us is only a small sneak preview of the revival that is yet to come...
Learning to do Life with God
     A large portion of our time was spent learning about 'Living with the Spirit.' Because we left for outreach a month earlier than the other DTS students, some of our teachings get to be on the road!  Many hours were spent curled up in the base director's lovely living room, sipping coffee or tea, discussing what it means to recognize that God is constantly with us, that He is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives, and that ultimately He is in no hurry for us to grow-up or do anything outstanding, He just loves being with us! As we all became more and more aware of God constantly speaking to us through each part of our day, we were able to realize some of the wonderful gifts and callings He has been revealing to us all along! Then multiple opportunities were provided for myself and my teammates to really walk into those promises and see the truth in them. Sure, I previously knew that God speaks to us, and I had an inkling of understanding that I am blessed with certain talents and passions, but our time spent in France revived those beliefs to a whole new level. They are no longer just dry beliefs I know in my head, they have been filled with life, brought out into the light, and imprinted upon my heart in a way that ensures I have no reason to ever doubt them again!
     One of the ways God was able to minister to us during our time in France was through a talent show we put on for the current DTS. We wanted to share wisdom and entertainment with the Ponts de Vie students, and God wanted to share something of His own with us through the process and performance! Each of us spent time in prayer asking God to reveal what we had to offer and what He wanted us to do for the show. Just this time alone was so precious. It was a time to remember that one of the many roles Jesus plays in our lives is the role of friend. Life is always so much more fun when we do stuff with God, as opposed to just viewing Him as some sort of mighty overseer! Three of the girls on my team felt called to share things they had been too afraid to ever share before. While it made them feel vulnerable at first, the act of just doing it and obeying God allowed Him to heal the hurts and fears that held them back for so long, and fill them up with a whole new confidence! I was blown away by how moving and beautiful their performances were, I was so proud of them, and felt so grateful to be a part of their growing with Jesus!



La Selle
     One of the ministries that the YWAM Ponts de Vie team has going on is an outreach to what I would colloquially describe as a Christian hippy commune. On a large plot of land, out in the countryside, a Christian couple runs a home for anyone who finds themselves in a season of being homeless, hurt, addicted, or abandoned. Despite the fact that they are going through a rougher time of life, the people have come together to create a lovely home for themselves and one another. The residents are asked to pitch in financially whenever possible, to work towards developing the community in what ever way they can help, and to not consume any drugs or alcohol on the premises. They also attend weekly Bible studies and community meetings. Our team was asked to lead one of those studies. We prayed about it and then decided to put together a study which revolved around the different characteristics of Jesus; such a friend, savior, healer, and guide. We also performed dramas and did some worship songs.
      After the study we got to have dinner with the whole community. This lead to some game time, which then somehow led to an impromptu karaoke style concert! We were taken to an almost surreal area of the property that had a huge fire pit and a stage that was lit with tons of colorful, disco, party lights, and had all the instruments and equipment for a legit rock star performance! Some of the residents just jammed on their guitars and the drum kit, while we did some cheeky spoken word style poetry and sang various songs. It was a really fun night, and it is always so refreshing to just hang out, as opposed to simply ministering to people and then immediately leaving. 

The Flood
     God definitely had us in France when we were most needed! While the first couple of days were filled with beautiful weather, near the end of our trip a huge storm came through. The whole town ended up suffering from the worst flood they had seen in many, many years. The river was raging and overflowing, and it came within three feet of crossing the street, where it would of poured right into the front door of the chateau. We watched as cars were swept down the river right in front of our eyes. We spent time moving furniture to higher ground, digging trenches, and creating barriers as an attempt to keep the water out. The chateau is at the bottom of a large hill however, so eventually water began to pour down the hillside, through the garden, right into the first story of the building. We all began pushing and bucketing more and more water out of the chateau so that it could not do any more damage than was already done. At one point, water began to gush up from under the ground, through the thick floor tiles, just like some sort of fountain or geyser!
     All throughout the stress and hard labor however, we were still able to have fun and use the time as a way to bond. We sang worship songs, Christmas songs, and even some Queen! We played in the water and supported one another by ensuring anyone who needed it could get a break. We got through the night and were miraculously protected and saved from the worse of the mighty river. No one else in the town continued out the night with so much hope and cheer. It has been prophesied by multiple different visitors, at different times, that the people and work from Ponts de Vie will be a part of a huge Christian revival in Europe; a flooding of revival. Our joy triumphed even over the floods of destruction, many people talked about us the next day, and it seemed as though the fountains of water were symbolic of the good that would ultimately be flooding out from this YWAM base. Even in the most challenging times, we overcome with Jesus by our side.

Friday Worship and Market Treasure Hunts
     Every Friday St. Hippolyte du Fort has a market day. In the center of the market area is a stunning Catholic church. The YWAM team has been given permission to host a time of worship in the church each Friday morning. After this time of worship, the team normally does a 'treasure hunt' around the town. Basically, you pray, you ask God what He would like you to do, you listen, and then you go do it! Sometimes the response will be something very clear and specific, like being told to go to the bakery, other times it will be something a bit more cryptic, like being told to pray for someone in a floral shirt. Either way, your task is simply to obey and keep asking God what is next! I felt like God was telling me to really take in and observe the culture and people, as well as visit the bakery. While people were getting some delicious baked treats, I noticed that the baker had such a lovely attention to detail, that she really wanted to present people with the best service possible, and I felt moved by her actions in a way that is only possible when God is giving you a glimpse of how He sees a person or a situation. I felt like God was telling me to encourage her, but there was one slight obstacle in obeying that. She didn't speak English, and I don't speak French. So, I went home, got a card, hit up Google translate, and wrote her a note in French. She seemed so surprised when I gave it to her, and while it may have just been something small, we never know when a person might just really need a bit of encouragement to get them through their day, feeling like they are actually appreciated! Also, this was such a nice simple example of the fact that God will always provide you with a way to obey Him, even if the task doesn't seem to make sense at first!
     The second Friday was particularly moving because it was right after the flood. The people of this charming, quiet little town had been shaken up, and many definitely needed healing. It is amazing to see how God draws people to Him through the act of others worshipping His Holy name! As the rain poured down, people poured in, and they were able to spend time calling out to God, and getting prayer and support for the loved ones and things they had lost. Even after such tragedy the community was drawing closer together. You could so clearly see that out of the destruction there would be revival and a new strength and bond between all the people the storm had brought together.
     It was also a special time for me personally because I was part of a group of us who were asked to come up to the front of the church for worship. This opportunity came about after one morning while at the Ponts de Vie base, when one of the current DTS students gave us a word about how she originally thought our outreach group was a school of worship, because so many of us sing very well and love passionately praising God through song. Back during the lecture phase of my own DTS, a prophecy team told me I had a worshippers anointing, which I just sort of ignored because for the majority of my life I have been too afraid to sing in front of other people. However, once this word was shared, the worship leader called me and two other girls up to worship with him as a way to walk into our gift and declare truth over what was being spoken. God instantly took my fear away, I just opened my mouth and my love for Him flowed, without me even thinking about what I needed to say. Worship isn't about being a good singer or being super talented at multiple instruments, (though those abilities are awesome) it is simply about glorifying God. I felt so comfortable declaring His glory through song and so blessed to have such a clear moment where God revealed one of the callings He has gifted me with. It was also another example of how all the Ponts de Vie family genuinely and lovingly delighted in encouraging and helping us grow during our time with them.


    Whether it was being romanced by God through a time of worshipping, picnicking, and frolicking in a meadow, or recommitting ourselves to working continuously towards better unity amongst the team, God was bringing revival, non-stop! I left France feeling like I could take on anything, anywhere, because I am so confident that I have a God who will always be speaking to me, leading me, and experiencing each step along the way, right by my side! Glory to God for this amazing opportunity! May He bless each one of you, on each of your own journeys, too! Thank you for reading!

"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether."

P.S. All the amazing photos that you are probably totally blown away by were taken by my beautiful, wonderful friend Nicola Easterby. If you want to see even more awesome photography you should totally visit her page: http://www.polkadot-passport.com

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